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Lorenz's book is a triple threat of magic material with strong effects, clever ideas and a great title. Highly recommended.


— R. Paul Wilson



Tienes en las manos un libro pequeño que cuando lo abres es mucho más grande. Las cartas se vuelven inteligentes gracias a la buena mente de lorenz. Tu magia se hará mucho más actual gracias a este libro.


— Miguel Angel Gea



Lorenz gives reality a swift kick in the backside with this glorious book. Take that reality!


Ricky Smith



I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed everything in the book - the material is fantastic, and I must tell you that in every routine I learned at least one move, subterfuge, or ruse that was entirely new to me!


— Jack Carpenter



Magicians: If you want something very good to read for the New Year I recommend „Cards Against Reality“ by Switzerland’s Lorenz Schär: An excellent (and beautiful) little book full of well thought-out, strong and innovative effects, sleights and ideas. 


— Pit Hartling



Lorenz has been an excellent "brainstorming partner" in the past few years. Now he decided to release some of his ideas and whereas you're a card magician or not, you should jump on this book, because it is the perfect example of how good magic is made out of hundreds of little touches, subtleties, thoughtful technique and clever thinking.

— Pierric



Cards Against Reality is one of the best well structured and very well defined books regarding magic I have read in a long time. You are to be congratulated!!!


— Howard Hamburg



The book is okay, but the profreading is epic.


— Steve Beam



Cards Against Reality is an excellent debut by Lorenz Schär. The book is well-produced​ and the effects are clearly described and illustrated. (...) One for the serious cardistes.


— Genii / David Britland





Among other things you will find in this book:


  • Longitudinal Slide Shift — A shift for stand-up use, without hectic movements and with good angles. 

  • Satisfriction — A study about jogs, different controls and new approaches.

  • The Merrow-Shuffle — A false shuffle at the table - simple and deceptive.

  • One For Mr. Mayhew — My center deal routine, with a few nasty refinements.

  • Go-Stop — A seemingly impossible version of the classic stop trick.

  • All Bags — 51 cards are chosen (almost) freely. A fun prediction routine.

  • Kool and the Gang — My Follow the Leader routine, including Giancarlo Scalia's handling of the Delight Switch.

  • Coincidencia Banal — A Triple Coincidence Routine with only one deck.

  • ...and more...



The book is hardbound, has 160 pages, is written in English (edited and revised by Steve Beam) and was illustrated by Florian Aeschlimann with over 100 illustrations.






The book is currently sold out.



Cards Against Reality

by Lorenz Schär


I'm very happy to introduce you to Cards Against Reality!


It contains some of my favorite moves and routines with playing cards. In between, there are lots of ideas usable for other routines, two short theory chapters and a bonus chapter with some moves without cards.

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